About The Department
Sociology Master Degree (M.A.) Programme of Bartın University was founded in the Education Year of 2019-2020.
Purpose of Department
The aim of our programme is to equip M.A. students in terms of sociological understanding which prioritizes applied forms of sociology, and providing academicians, experts and trained researchers.
Admission Requirements
Students must comply with the legal and academic requirements to access the studies in Bartın University according to the process established by the YÖK (Higher Education Council) regulations. The detailed information about the application and requirements are released before the beginning of each academic year on the web page https://sbe.bartin.edu.tr/. Students who have degree from other universities within or outside of the country may apply the recognition procedure carried out prior to the beginning of each academic year.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from M.A. Programme of Sociology, students must take all the necessary courses, succeed relevant exams and thesis defense presentation.
Transition to higher level
The students who complete the M.A. programme will be able to apply to relevant PhD programmes.
Assessment Questionnaire
Examination Assessment
In order to take final examinations, students must attend at least 70% of the courses. Students are subjected to at least 1 midterm and final exam for each course. Final grade consists of 40% of the midterm exam or other assesments, and 60% of the final exam. All exams are evaluated over 100. Minimum successful exam score is 40 for each mid-term examination. To be successful in a course, final grade must be 65 or above.
Department Head /
Coordinator of Bologna |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birgül Koçak Oksev
Qualification Requirements and Rules
Structure of the program