Terms of Admission:
The ones who are willing to participate the undergraduate program should have secondary school diploma and sufficient university exam score in the related type.
Bachelor’s Degree Requirements:
A student must successfully complete total 240 ECTS units which consist of 176 ECTS must, 64 ECTS elective units in order to fulfil the requirements to earn a Bachelor’s Degree.
The ones who own Bachelor’s Degree may apply graduate programs with the scores of academic personnel and postgraduate education entrance exam (ALES) and foreign language exam (YDS).
Course Grading:
Students who are enrolled courses must take visa exams or seminars, quizzes, home-works and final exams. Proportions of final grade are 40% of visa examination and 60% of final examination. Students can also apply to take resit exams at the end of every semester. Exams are held on the previously announced dates. Please check for furthe information: http://mevzuat.basbakanlik.gov.tr/Metin.Aspx?MevzuatKod=8.5.15161&MevzuatIliski=0